Together Versus Arthritis

Together Versus Arthritis - a new exciting project that will strengthen and broaden the support available to people with arthritis in local areas

Versus Arthritis supports people living with arthritis and related conditions to access to the best information, advice and support they need, whenever and wherever they need it.

As well as researching better treatments, raising awareness about arthritis and campaigning on the issues that impact people with arthritis the most, we know that the services, support and information available in local areas is critical to supporting people with arthritis to live well.

Our new exciting project called Together Versus Arthritis aims to strengthen and broaden the support and information that is available to people with arthritis in local areas and in August 2021 we launched Together Versus Arthritis in three areas: Argyll & Bute, Belfast and Birmingham.

In these areas we’ll work together with people with arthritis, volunteers, co-ordinators, researchers, healthcare professionals, other charities and organisations to understand what local people with arthritis need and learn what works best in each area.

Everything we learn from this new approach will help us develop how we work across the UK in the future.

We’ve already started creating connections and building networks, and in the coming months there will be lots of ways you can be involved. You may volunteer to run a local group, provide information to others, campaign for better services, get involved in research, fundraising and much, much more. Whatever your skills or background, there’s a way you can get involved as a Local Touchpoint or benefit from the services that these Local Touchpoints will provide.

Together, we’ll make sure that people with arthritis have the help, support and advice they need to live well.

If you live in Argyll & Bute, Belfast or Birmingham and would like to know more please get in touch at

Find out more about Together Versus Arthritis